31 dec. 2011
Thank you 2011
Thank you 2011, It was nice being a part of you...
A lot happened this year, a lot of good things happened, but also bad things, of course. Needless to say, I had a good year, looking forward to what's coming. A lot of things going on with the band, also on the job front. A lot of things going on inside my head but that's not very unusual I guess.
20 dec. 2011
Monkey update, feeling lighter!
A shop magically appeared 4 minutes from my house! well apparently it has been there for the past year or so, but they've had no road-signs or anything. crazy, really. But here's what's even crazier, They actually want me to work there, about three sample-weeks for starters and then maybe I'll start for real. It's not a very good paycheck, but I'll still look for other jobs while working there, and even If I get an employment elsewhere I'll still be able to help out when I'm not working. Check the shop out! Blue and Yellow!
A shop magically appeared 4 minutes from my house! well apparently it has been there for the past year or so, but they've had no road-signs or anything. crazy, really. But here's what's even crazier, They actually want me to work there, about three sample-weeks for starters and then maybe I'll start for real. It's not a very good paycheck, but I'll still look for other jobs while working there, and even If I get an employment elsewhere I'll still be able to help out when I'm not working. Check the shop out! Blue and Yellow!
19 dec. 2011
The past weeks hasn't really been the busiest time of my life, one could say for sure. I've basically just been trying to kickstart my life all over again since being unemployed and broke really hasn't been working out for anybody I know of, so far in the history of mankind. So surprisingly enough, i'm no dispensation. Though things actually are starting to look a bit brighter, I can't stop my distracted little mind from thinking that somehow this could as well be a tough one to shake. It's christmas, confessedly, and everyone is suposed to be happy smiling and laughing, but I find it a bit hard when not knowing whether this monkey on my back decides to let go or not. I rather it did
29 nov. 2011
I've had my hair almost the exact same way for about nine years now.

Tonight I almost shaved my silly little excuse of a mustache. I changed my mind tho when it all came down to it. I think I was only curious of what was under there, but let's face it. You can almost see straight through it anyways so what's there really to be curious about. Change is a really wierd thing. Where change is, fear it self often hangs out with a lot of his friends. At least that's what it's like for me. For instance, I've had my hair almost the exact same way for about nine years now. Yet I don't actually have the legit answer to why I just don't cut it once and for all. (Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no intentions of cutting it, even if it's a real pain in the ass having it all over my face every day.) I guess it's all because It's been so long since I saw my self in short hair. Change actually sucks most of the time. There's a rare number of occasions where change actually is for the better but when it is, I'd like to believe it was because It always ment to be that way in order for something better to happen. so there for it wasn't really a change in the first place, only a slight correction. What's so funny about this tho is that change is really a pretty weak thing. all you got to do if you change something & feel bad about it, is to make it your mission to change it back to the way it used to be. Make a slight correction. but do it good! Life's all about making changes & corrections, and you've got to know your self damn well in order to be able to pull it all of. If I deepen my understanding of myself, I become increasingly aware of every single detail involving me taking risks in life in order to make things better. But i'm not cutting my hair off, and I am not shaving that silly mustache of mine, that's a fact.
22 nov. 2011
11 okt. 2011
Season done
First season done.. No more kids screaming for at least one year to come. We'll see if I'm hopping on a second season. I don't think so, but we'll se next year since the salary's a bit better then. Right now I'm focusing more on getting pocketcash for the bados trip. Seems like an impossible mission, but I'm on it..

2 okt. 2011
26 sep. 2011
A good try
Känner mig väldigt filosofisk för tillfället, och känner mig väldigt mystiskt kreativ på något sätt.. Barbados är bokat och jag åker den 19 okt.. snart! peppad! Jag tänkte göra något speciellt av denna resan med tanke på att det är andra gången jag är där, och känner till lite mer än sist. Tänkte försöka mig på att göra en fotobok om barbados som surf-land, och barbados surf-kultur. Får se hur det går, är inte skit taggad att ligga och fota soup bowl i 3 meters vågor oc 35 pers i vattnet, men vore kul att försöka sig på lite lugnare bryt. få ihop massa porträttbilder på massa folk osv. Får se hur det går med det.
The trip to Barbados is on, I'm of October 19th! Super stoked! I was thinking I made this next trip a special one, making it sort of a project. Stashing lots of film and get loads of portraits of bajan surfers, skaters and all the culture down there. I can't really put my finger on how I'ts gonna look tho, but I belive it's worth a good try..
Pic from the photo course in Wasaa, Finland.
The trip to Barbados is on, I'm of October 19th! Super stoked! I was thinking I made this next trip a special one, making it sort of a project. Stashing lots of film and get loads of portraits of bajan surfers, skaters and all the culture down there. I can't really put my finger on how I'ts gonna look tho, but I belive it's worth a good try..
Pic from the photo course in Wasaa, Finland.

21 sep. 2011
A LOT of workin' goin' on right now. Needs to be done, if I want to get that little pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I guess.
Recently been looking at some flight dates for this years Barbados trip, looks like it probably will happen! Around 17ish october I'm off, for not as long as last time, but atleast a month or so. Really stooked! recently won a vintage 35mm Nikon nikonos III underwater camera on Ebay as well, so you'll be getting the juciest analog surfpix, from the water, I promise you that!
By the way the Hurley Pro comp is going on live right now Here, not making it easier for the surf stoke. but love to watch anyways. Missing flips a lot at the moment as well since she's studying in Karlskrona, and I'm all over south of sweden working with the schoolphoto thing. Got about 3 weeks left now and then I'm all game! pix underneath is the nikonos and a sweet pic taken by it.. loving it without even having it here yet.. Analog love!

Recently been looking at some flight dates for this years Barbados trip, looks like it probably will happen! Around 17ish october I'm off, for not as long as last time, but atleast a month or so. Really stooked! recently won a vintage 35mm Nikon nikonos III underwater camera on Ebay as well, so you'll be getting the juciest analog surfpix, from the water, I promise you that!
By the way the Hurley Pro comp is going on live right now Here, not making it easier for the surf stoke. but love to watch anyways. Missing flips a lot at the moment as well since she's studying in Karlskrona, and I'm all over south of sweden working with the schoolphoto thing. Got about 3 weeks left now and then I'm all game! pix underneath is the nikonos and a sweet pic taken by it.. loving it without even having it here yet.. Analog love!

11 aug. 2011
Stressigt liksom
18 juli 2011
12 juli 2011
A wise contemporary me

Picture not related....
Right now I'm in a sort of writing mood, so just bare with me and try your best to understand all my crazy thoughts.
And please, if you have any inputs, let me know! I'm more than happy to hear your thoughts on my thoughts, so to speak..
Also, I miss my girlfriend a whole lot right now so the thoughts about what ever kind of just helps me get my mind of missing her for at least a second, or not really but at least I try..
Recently I keep finding myself thinking quite a lot about other peoples behavior.
By that I don’t mean behavior as in good or bad behavior, It’s more in a creepy observant kind of way. It’s like every thing and everyone around me are cooperating to create a playground for me to explore. Sadly I seem a bit lazy to explore it. To me it’s still just like when a baby turtle snaps out of it’s comfy little hideout inside the egg. Plenty stoked on what’s coming yet so discouraged and well aware of what it's leaving behind. There’s a long devious road between me and what I might become, or not become for all I know. But in the process of me becoming future me, I keep telling my self that I am fully capable of jumping what ever hitch or disqualification that may occur along the way. A wise contemporary me once said to my self; As long as you are aware of your problems, you immediately lose at least half of them. And I guess that’s a quote I’m still trying to live after.
Daniel Jönsson 12.07.11 - 01:53
1 juni 2011
alter universe
I'm sitting on my porch gazing into a strange yet not so distant alter universe. Everything I see is the wrong way around. Not so different to what I would call properly visualized but yet there’s something that’s misrepresenting about it. If only the man in front of me could say something different than me. Since I’m looking at him, being a twisted version of me, he would look at me as a better version of him. But if everything I say seems to be wrong, could the portal between these two universes be screwing with me? If so, I wish the twisted version of me could say something. There for, when the incorrect things he’d say hit the universe portal it instantly turn right, and I would never have to worry about saying anything wrong again.
Daniel jönsson 1/6 19:02:20
Daniel jönsson 1/6 19:02:20
29 maj 2011
Well, If you ask me I would probably say that the most common photographic motive in the world would be the sunset or the clouds or something even more cheesy. Like flowers and trees & such. But I guess there's a certain thing to these objects that just makes us want to perpetuate them. I myself has recently decided to take my photographing up a notch. And by that i don't necessarily mean by snapping photos like this, more like the fact that I just signed a contract with a school photography company doing portraits and such. Anyhow, these shots where taken on my flight back from stockholm after a weekend course with this new company. I don't usually shoot these kind of stuff but I guess I just got caught in the moment.

25 maj 2011
What if..
What if all the trees surrounding us confirmed thinkers, suddenly catched feelings & emotions. Would the tree it self feel tall or would it even notice us? Not that there’s only tall trees, but I’m thinking theoretically. Since the climbers their self, the humans, the new generation ”groundbreakers” often refer to others as taller, not so young people. Meaning they often are kids, of course.
Would the breeze be irritating, or would their mood simply be depending on the weather? I, myself would probably be frustrated not to be able to control where my leaves where blowing. Imagine not being able to be completely still, or even worse, imagine yourself standing all your life, and by the time you finally hit horizontal position you die? Bullshit. But most of all I would probably miss my yearly favorite leaf when it fell of my branch too early in the autumn. Once again imagine,
Your favorite buddy leaf slowly looses grip of your o-so tired branch after several months holding on, succeeding to avoid the new generation grabbing them and ripping them of as they pass climbing. It slowly lets go and sails onto the air’s gentle way down on to the ground, where you not only can’t reach it, yet still have to watch it be either blown away by the breeze or watch it slowly decay as the weeks go by.
And there’s one thing too. Not being able to know time. A lot of people’s lives circuits around the fact that they are always, fully capable of knowing what time it is. If not they get stressed, concerned or dare I say, LATE!!!
To me it’s quite fascinating actually. I had plans today, but as you read this I’ve already (and I have to say, hopefully) been sitting with these words about 40 minutes more than you, just so you can read it all in a small amount of minutes. No worries though, really. I at least have the option to get moving towards the refrigerator, grab some food & be on my way. Now try imagine doing that being a tree.
Daniel Jönsson 25/5-11 12:09:30
Would the breeze be irritating, or would their mood simply be depending on the weather? I, myself would probably be frustrated not to be able to control where my leaves where blowing. Imagine not being able to be completely still, or even worse, imagine yourself standing all your life, and by the time you finally hit horizontal position you die? Bullshit. But most of all I would probably miss my yearly favorite leaf when it fell of my branch too early in the autumn. Once again imagine,
Your favorite buddy leaf slowly looses grip of your o-so tired branch after several months holding on, succeeding to avoid the new generation grabbing them and ripping them of as they pass climbing. It slowly lets go and sails onto the air’s gentle way down on to the ground, where you not only can’t reach it, yet still have to watch it be either blown away by the breeze or watch it slowly decay as the weeks go by.
And there’s one thing too. Not being able to know time. A lot of people’s lives circuits around the fact that they are always, fully capable of knowing what time it is. If not they get stressed, concerned or dare I say, LATE!!!
To me it’s quite fascinating actually. I had plans today, but as you read this I’ve already (and I have to say, hopefully) been sitting with these words about 40 minutes more than you, just so you can read it all in a small amount of minutes. No worries though, really. I at least have the option to get moving towards the refrigerator, grab some food & be on my way. Now try imagine doing that being a tree.
Daniel Jönsson 25/5-11 12:09:30
24 maj 2011
Digital-art / Illustrations
Nyligen hemkommen från kurs i Stockholm, Skolfoto Norden i två dagar. Kändes bra att få lära sig proffskameror lite bättre, inte för att det var superinvecklat, men så man har lite insyn iallafall. Gällande skolfotojobbet i övrigt så blickar jag framåt nu, mot 1 augusti då det bär av mot Wasa, Finland och 10 dagar slutkurs tätt följt av upphämtning av min foto-utrustning & firmabil. Spännande! Kursen i Stockholm var intressant på många sätt men då vi inte skulle gå igenom så himla mycket praktiska metoder förens i Wasa i höst bestod den mestadels av kafferaster & matpauser. Inte mig emot dock, kaffe smakar fint! Kursen avslutades med ett besök på stockholmskontoret och när det var avverkat hade vi runt 3 timmar att döda innan det var dags att flyga hem igen. Satt och pulade lite med en massa olika stockbilder och kom underfull med att jag tyckte det var ganska roligt. Här är resultatet efter 3 timmars flygplatshäng!
Notera att dethär alltså är mina kreationer. no stealing tack!
Andra bilden är ju faktiskt Lincoln för er som inte känner igen göbben

Notera att dethär alltså är mina kreationer. no stealing tack!
Andra bilden är ju faktiskt Lincoln för er som inte känner igen göbben

18 maj 2011
just making a point
This is Marc Johns stuff, the guy is awesome! Check these out and get into the ironic world he lives in. The man is just proving a point. Just love the simplicity of it all.

12 maj 2011
3 maj 2011
I've seen old people walk faster
Testade på att jobba med slowmotion lite, resultatet blev därefter faktiskt helt okej! Klippen som jag använde till denhär rullen är från förra våren, och filmades med min Nikon d90. Tyvärr i så lågt som 24fps, och där av blev det lite sloppy, men tyckte fortfarande jag fick till det helt okej! Kolla och se vad ni tycker!
9 mars 2011
16 jan. 2011
Brandon Boyd
"I am longing for that simple pleasure of drawing lines into a wave. Carving soft sculptures out of a canvas that is unique to that moment and is never to repeat again. Surfing is many different things to many different people, but to me it is art. I miss it, but will return into her arms by Winter's end"

10 jan. 2011
Irie all day!
Två updates på samma kväll, rekord? Kom iallafall precis över ett klipp på youtube som handlar om skatescenen på Barbados. Rastaskatern som Mike intervjuar heter Paul & det var han som visade oss alla spots & ställen när vi var nere. Kul att faktiskt se lite riktig kärlek till skateboarding, det värmer iallafall lite såhär mitt i vintern. Paul jobbar i Barbados enda skateboardshop & är verkligen hur ödmjuk som helst. Sekunden vi tog steget in på Barrels & Bearings lös han upp av glädje från att se fler skaters på ön, för let's face it. Det finns inte i överflöd precis. Bjöd genast in oss till en sesh och senare bjöd han även in hela sverigecrewet till en grillfest hemma hos honom. Helt fantastiskt att se någon brinna för något så mycket. Paul berättade för oss att han jobbade på skatebutiken dels för att han brann för skate, men också för att inspirera yngre bajans till att åka skateboard, hellre än att springa runt och stjäla saker eller börja med en massa droger. Han drog ihop ett skateteam (Irie) och sponsrade lite åkare på ön för att få fram lite mer engagemang & driv i Barbados skatescen, och visst lyckades han bra med det! Vi var med på en skatesesh , och för att vara helt isolerade från omvärldens skateparker och spots så var grabbarna riktigt duktiga. Många, om inte alla var helt klart bättre än mig, inte för att jag är jätteduktig men jag har ändå åkt i 10års tid. Superstokade och fokuserade på allt dom gjorde, en helt annan kärlek till skate än vad man kanske vanligtvis är van att se i den europeiska skatescenen. Inte för att dom var bättre eller för att dom gjorde snyggare grejer än någon annan, utan för att ett av deras absolut bästa spots just då råkade vara en lastkaj bakom ett supercenter. 15x3,5m och med ett litet tak över för att klara sig ifall det skulle börja regna. Är inte det dedication så vet jag inte. Irie all day!
5 jan. 2011
3 jan. 2011
"Côte des Basque"
I Biarritz i sommras lärde vi känna Daniel Månsson. Daniel är fotograf, och en mycket duktig sådan. Jag och Daniel delade många intressen var av surf & fotografering onekligen var inräknat, men även skateboarding. Daniel har fotat många kända åkare från hela världen & listan inkluderar Tony Alva, Steve Caballero, Skip Engblom och många fler.. Det Daniel dock ägnar sig åt mest är att resa runt jorden och ta filosofiska surfbilder från vattenytans perspektiv. Han är 2010 års Hasselbladsstipendiat i naturfoto med projektet "Vågor" och även trefaldig fotoboksförfattare. Senast uppmärksammades hans bilder i Economist magasin The Intelligent life med ett tiosidigt reportage om hans projekt "Cold Water Surfing". Den 19 januari har han vernissage i VOLs galleri på Holländargatan 29 i Stockholm. Kom förbi 17:00 - 21:00 och kolla in hans bilder från "Côte des Basque" och se många olika vinklar av Frankrikes Biarritz. Här nedanför kan ni se ett gäng bilder Daniel tog på mig i sommras. Jag har dock redigerat till lite färger & beskurit en del så att det inte avslöjar något om hur orginalbilderna ser ut om någon av dem skulle vara med på vernissagen i stockholm.

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