Tonight I almost shaved my silly little excuse of a mustache. I changed my mind tho when it all came down to it. I think I was only curious of what was under there, but let's face it. You can almost see straight through it anyways so what's there really to be curious about. Change is a really wierd thing. Where change is, fear it self often hangs out with a lot of his friends. At least that's what it's like for me. For instance, I've had my hair almost the exact same way for about nine years now. Yet I don't actually have the legit answer to why I just don't cut it once and for all. (Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no intentions of cutting it, even if it's a real pain in the ass having it all over my face every day.) I guess it's all because It's been so long since I saw my self in short hair. Change actually sucks most of the time. There's a rare number of occasions where change actually is for the better but when it is, I'd like to believe it was because It always ment to be that way in order for something better to happen. so there for it wasn't really a change in the first place, only a slight correction. What's so funny about this tho is that change is really a pretty weak thing. all you got to do if you change something & feel bad about it, is to make it your mission to change it back to the way it used to be. Make a slight correction. but do it good! Life's all about making changes & corrections, and you've got to know your self damn well in order to be able to pull it all of. If I deepen my understanding of myself, I become increasingly aware of every single detail involving me taking risks in life in order to make things better. But i'm not cutting my hair off, and I am not shaving that silly mustache of mine, that's a fact.
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