What if all the trees surrounding us confirmed thinkers, suddenly catched feelings & emotions. Would the tree it self feel tall or would it even notice us? Not that there’s only tall trees, but I’m thinking theoretically. Since the climbers their self, the humans, the new generation ”groundbreakers” often refer to others as taller, not so young people. Meaning they often are kids, of course.
Would the breeze be irritating, or would their mood simply be depending on the weather? I, myself would probably be frustrated not to be able to control where my leaves where blowing. Imagine not being able to be completely still, or even worse, imagine yourself standing all your life, and by the time you finally hit horizontal position you die? Bullshit. But most of all I would probably miss my yearly favorite leaf when it fell of my branch too early in the autumn. Once again imagine,
Your favorite buddy leaf slowly looses grip of your o-so tired branch after several months holding on, succeeding to avoid the new generation grabbing them and ripping them of as they pass climbing. It slowly lets go and sails onto the air’s gentle way down on to the ground, where you not only can’t reach it, yet still have to watch it be either blown away by the breeze or watch it slowly decay as the weeks go by.
And there’s one thing too. Not being able to know time. A lot of people’s lives circuits around the fact that they are always, fully capable of knowing what time it is. If not they get stressed, concerned or dare I say, LATE!!!
To me it’s quite fascinating actually. I had plans today, but as you read this I’ve already (and I have to say, hopefully) been sitting with these words about 40 minutes more than you, just so you can read it all in a small amount of minutes. No worries though, really. I at least have the option to get moving towards the refrigerator, grab some food & be on my way. Now try imagine doing that being a tree.
Daniel Jönsson 25/5-11 12:09:30