Wake up early, go surf, nice weather & nice company. To bad it's f*ckin' freeeezing. Though I wouldn't really recomend it to anyone that's never tried it yet, but cold water surf is quite awesome. As it may accur to you and as I may have said before it IS cold, and it's also that kind of cold that just makes you feel like you've been slapped right in the face several times after beeing buried in snow for about a week or so. But there's also a sort of cleansing feeling to it. Avoiding water smacking in your face is a quicktip for anyone longing to try this epicly dedicated kind of activity. I've only tried it once and I guess there's a good reason for that, even though I feel It's going to happen many times more. Although my surf stoke was at max last night when I heard it was going off I kind of backed of, 30 degrees + is more me I guess..