31 dec. 2011

Thank you 2011

Thank you 2011, It was nice being a part of you...
A lot happened this year, a lot of good things happened, but also bad things, of course. Needless to say, I had a good year, looking forward to what's coming. A lot of things going on with the band, also on the job front. A lot of things going on inside my head but that's not very unusual I guess.

20 dec. 2011


Monkey update, feeling lighter!
A shop magically appeared 4 minutes from my house! well apparently it has been there for the past year or so, but they've had no road-signs or anything. crazy, really. But here's what's even crazier, They actually want me to work there, about three sample-weeks for starters and then maybe I'll start for real. It's not a very good paycheck, but I'll still look for other jobs while working there, and even If I get an employment elsewhere I'll still be able to help out when I'm not working. Check the shop out! Blue and Yellow!

19 dec. 2011

The past weeks hasn't really been the busiest time of my life, one could say for sure. I've basically just been trying to kickstart my life all over again since being unemployed and broke really hasn't been working out for anybody I know of, so far in the history of mankind. So surprisingly enough, i'm no dispensation. Though things actually are starting to look a bit brighter, I can't stop my distracted little mind from thinking that somehow this could as well be a tough one to shake. It's christmas, confessedly, and everyone is suposed to be happy smiling and laughing, but I find it a bit hard when not knowing whether this monkey on my back decides to let go or not. I rather it did